Monday, March 12, 2012

Counting down the days...

The Saint Paul Craftstravaganza is coming up in 2 months! Just in time for Mother's Day, the epic craft fair will be held on Saturday, May 12 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. I have been busy making jewelry and fiber accessories, as well as creating some new marketing materials.

My new business cards, shipping labels, and stickers are on their way, and I am loving the rubber stamp I had made. I am using the stamp on kraft paper boxes and bags. It also makes simple business cards or jewelry cards for my post earrings.

Each day I try to work on some aspect of Arsenal of Buttons, be it updating my blog, my Etsy store, or my Facebook page, or making at least one pair of earrings, a crochet flower hair clip or brooch, or a pair of fingerless mittens. I cannot wait to set all of the items out on my table at the Craftstravaganza. Seeing it all come together is such an amazing feeling.

I have some wonderful, yet naughty company in the studio. Lucca enjoys exploring every nook and cranny in the space, climbing into grocery bags filled with various craft items, pawing at my jewelry tools, ingesting bits of wool roving or a button here and there. Eventually he finds his way onto the couch or under my feet at my work table. If he gets too goosey, he gets escorted out of the studio.

Lucca thinks he is going to go unnoticed taking my chair. 

The next two months will fly by, time seems to be moving so quickly. My hope is that I make enough work for the show, and that there is enough variety to interest people. I want people to come up to the table and feel invited to pick things up, try them on, and ask questions. The only way that will happen is if there are items to pick up and try on!

Enough blogging. Time to go make a pair of fingerless mitts...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Year, New Work

It has been fairly busy for the last couple of months. I have been accepted to participate in the Saint Paul Craftstravaganza, a large, well-attended craft show at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds on May 12. My time has been spent creating many new jewelry pieces, mostly earrings, and crochet accessories, focusing on quick and simple gifts for Mother's Day.

My husband and I spent the beginning of this year enjoying the company of good friends. We love gathering together for a big meal or just to sit and visit. We both feel so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive collection of friends.

A full day of cooking and the reward of an amazing meal with good friends
Lunch with my husband, brother, and his wonderful girlfriend 

Two of the most fulfilling things I have spent my time doing includes volunteer at some of the local Jewish organizations in my community, making potato knishes at the Shalom Home, a care facility for the elderly, and making fruit filled cookies called Hamantashen at my Synogogue, and spending time with my 96 year old grandmother. She is full of energy and has a brilliant memory. I love listening to her recall events from her life. Every day I am able to spend with her is a blessing. 

Making potato knishes for the residents of the Shalom Home
Sunday visit with my Bubby and my beautiful cousin
One of the bigger decisions made this year has been to go back to school this fall so I can try a completely new career. I am looking forward to the experience, the challenge, but to be honest, I just can hardly wait to buy school supplies again. I am currently working through the application process, and will have a much more clear vision of the rest of this year by the time summer arrives.

Once I begin school this fall, I will most likely pause making items, but will hopefully still have a great inventory to sell for the holidays. I have also halted taking custom orders at this point so I can focus on cranking out strong work for the Craftstravaganza. 

Diving into Arsenal of Buttons the last few months has been so rewarding and satisfying. I split my time between crocheting flower pins and hair clips in my family room, to hiding out in my studio working on jewelry. The focus for this spring is simple and modern, but not too contemporary- I still love an organic and imperfect aesthetic. The shapes I am focusing on are simple circles, horseshoes, teardrops, and I'm also making some twig earrings and bezel set button earrings set in sterling.

Friday, December 30, 2011

It's okay to be lazy sometimes. Right?

Yesterday was wonderfully productive. I made new earrings, photographed them, and added them to my Etsy store. Little horseshoes and loops. I made dinner for my husband, J, and said 'yes' to a small social gathering, which I am often too shy to say 'yes' to. It felt good to go; we had a great time.

Today, I managed to find an incredible price on silver, get to the grocery store for some rosemary bread and mango, photographed some fingerless mittens and added them to the shop, and ran the dishwasher
which is an amazing accomplishment most days.

The majority of the day has been spent on the middle section of my couch, with the coffee table pulled close to me for easy access to my can of soda, the remote, and the basket of untouched balls of yarn. 

I guess I don't feel entirely productive until I have gotten a little exercise out of the way, and made at least one thing. I have managed to do neither today, although I have done a good handful of other things. All of the other accomplishments fall to the wayside if one or two things don't get done. Each day I try to do too many things, filling up my plate and scolding myself when my way-to-large list doesn't get completed. 

I try to remind myself of all the things I do accomplish each day, and all the things I do that don't involve soldering metal and picking up a crochet hook. I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, an auntie, a cousin, a niece, a granddaughter, a daughter-in-law, and a loyal friend to a small but brilliant little group of close folks. I work hard to maintain my relationships, and can honestly say that if someone is in my life, there is a good reason, and if someone is not in my life, there is also a good reason. I need to remind myself that my worth isn't found in my dress size, the amount of things I make, or the job I have (or don't have). The most important job I have is to be a trustworthy, honest, kind and patient person. The patient part comes and goes. 

The new year brings so many mixed emotions and thoughts. Should I create some kind of unattainable "resolution"? Did I accomplish enough this year? Will anything life-changing happen in 2012? 2011 was a roller coaster. J got sick and recovered, we've been through job loss, I got married, I joined a gym (again), and cleaned the apartment. Yes, that is worth listing. I thought maybe this would be the year of home-ownership and new and exciting responsibilities at work, but those things will come another time, everything has its time.

In 2012, I plan on continuing to do what I do. Eat sensibly and get regular exercise, explore new creative pursuits, be physically and emotionally available for my family and friends, and to try not to take everything so damn seriously.  I am hoping to explore teaching craft classes, look into furthering my education, create a new series of jewelry, spin lots of yarn, take cooking classes and feed my hubby, have company over more often, and get coffee with friends regularly. More date nights with J would be lovely too!

Less worry, less road rage, more faith, more dancing (alone and with others), less FEAR. No more fear. I believe that is the only thing holding me back. 

Happy New Year, to whoever spends their precious time reading this silly little blog. 

4 year anniversary of when we met, 12-25-11

Friday, December 16, 2011

The New Normal

There have been some major changes for me lately, which have been bittersweet. I found myself unemployed as of early November, and promptly turned up the heat on Arsenal of Buttons (AOB). With the holidays just around the corner, I knew if I stayed busy with my work I would be okay through the New Year.

My first Monday morning at home I decided that it was time to tackle our space. Having more time on my hands meant no more excuses; I finally had the opportunity to create the clean home I have wanted and needed to be creatively productive. I am pleased to say that our place has never been more clean, including my studio.

Let's back up a bit.
There is one more big change in my life. I got married in September, after 11 months of planning and preparing. It was by far the most wonderful day of my life. Each detail was important; I made my headpiece, my husband sanded the large wooden slabs we used for our centerpieces from my parents tree, he made our guestbook fingerprint poster, I hand glittered the guest place cards, we designed our invitation and accompanying materials together (no small miracle), I made my bridesmaids jewelry and nest wedding cake topper, I covered large letters in glitter and moss, the list goes on. It was our day, and we made it so.

Special thanks to the brilliant women at Paper Rock Scissor for printing our invitations, menus, and signs, Carl Anderson of Princess Bride Videography for capturing our day so beautifully, Kris Drake Photography for being there from start to finish, on her feet at 7 months pregnant, Sugar Sugar Candy in South Minneapolis for providing sweet treats, Mary Andler of Mary's Floral for my stunning flowers, and Richfield Floral for creating the Chuppah of our dreams, complete with birch branches and my great grandmothers table cloth as the canopy.

Prior to the wedding, my husband got very sick in May and spent 6 of 7 nights in the ICU. I stayed with him each night, curled up in the waiting room, not leaving him until the nurses changed over and I had to step out. That experience of being so close to losing my partner changed us both. We are closer than ever, and have an understanding of what is truly important. This has made us look at our current situation in a different light. Yes, I'm not working at a full time job. But we are lucky to be together, and lucky to have our health and to have a support system.

So, a lot has happened, and I predict more changes in the near future. I have never given Arsenal of Buttons this much effort and time. I can honestly say I have never felt better. I get up early, have breakfast, and give all my attention to AOB. With the company of our cat, Lucca, I crochet, solder silver, update my Etsy store, check my AOB Facebook page, explore the Etsy business topic forums, vacuum, dust, grocery shop, ship orders (my favorite thing to do!), and try to exercise. One thing I thought I would do more with time off, is nap. No naps here, I stay quite busy. Of course, I have my eyes peeled for possible full-time work, but I wanted to see what it would be like to make AOB my full time job for just a little while. With the support of close friends and Etsy orders from all over the country, it has been a truly successful month.

This Sunday is my third and final craft fair of the holiday season. I have redesigned my table for craft fairs, and feel like I have found what works. The leftover wood from the wedding has come in handy!

The craft fair will be at the Saint Paul Jewish Community Center, this Sunday, December 18, from 1 - 4pm. It would be great to see some friendly faces there. Even if you don't make an AOB purchase, I will have cookies and cream Hershey kisses on my table.

Thank you for your support and for taking the time to get an AOB update. Happy holidays and best wishes to you and your families!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Getting Ready

This week has been very exciting. On sunday I had the opportunity to meet with a local fashion designer. She gave me some wonderful advice and absolutely inspired me to keep pushing forward with new creations from Arsenal of Buttons. I am grateful to have spend time with her.

I also received an email from the shop I have been selling my little flower brooches. They would like to buy my goods wholesale, rather than consignment, which is great! I will be creating new flower brooches out of luxury yarns, perfect for wearing on a sweater, putting on a purse, giving as a simple yet thoughtful gift.
I am looking forward to trying new stitches to create some more elaborate flowers, and using bold vintage buttons.

I am hoping to also have my CozyCowls available for purchase at the shop. I have some large cowls ready to sell that are great for cold weather. They are made with super chunky yarn and each have a hand-stamped tag.

This weekend I was recovering from a long, fast-paced work week, and decided to try something new. I took a thick wool-blend yarn in charcoal and created a ruffle-cowl. The border is in a gorgeous wool-tencel blend, that has a sheen that makes it look metallic. I am so thrilled with the outcome. I used a large vintage silver button with a crystal in the center, and on the opposite side of the button I placed my hand-stamped tag- as per the advice of the local designer I met with last Sunday.

I look forward to creating this in multiple colors for the holidays this year. Each Ruffle Cowl with have a different button, since many of my buttons are one-of-a-kind.

Pictured to the right is my new hand-stamped label. I love the little bird stamp that has taken the place of the 'O' in Arsenal of Buttons.
Please check back soon for more new creations, and my big Etsy shop announcement!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumn Motivation

It is the busy season at work, full of travel and meetings. When I go on the road I always bring some fiber projects to work on. I bring a little handspun yarn, store bought yarn, my crochet hooks and some finished projects that need to be photographed. I enjoy getting to my destination early so I can find a little coffee shop to sit down in to crochet and have a treat.

It's a great way to meet the locals. Every time I start working, someone comes up and wants to know what I'm working on. Sometimes I even have other crochet or knitters come and join me. Last Wednesday I was in La Crosse, Wisconsin. I went to Jule's Cafe and within 20 minutes I was talking to four friendly people. One girl I met was working on a beautiful wool and silk knit cowl in a deep wine color. It is so much fun to meet other crafters on the road.

Sometimes the only time I have to crochet is while I'm on the road. I have been so busy at work, and by the time I get home I am depleted. I find it a challenge to muster up enough energy to peel the plastic off a meal and microwave it. But, lately I have pushed myself to make the time while in town to sit down and relax, and finish my projects. I had been asked numerous times when I was going to make wrist warmers, but I did not know how to so I wasn't able to do it. Last week I decided to try making a pair without a pattern while I was traveling. I ended up making two pairs, and I just love them. They are functional and cozy.

The first pair I made was using my multicolor handspun yarn, and the second pair was made with merino and tencel yarn in charcoal grey. I am looking forward to cranking about about 10 pairs for the holidays. They would make perfect stocking stuffers or a small gift for a coworker or friend. And who doesn't love a handmade gift?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

On the Road Again

I am preparing to leave town for work. My job requires me to be on the road for about three weeks here and there this fall. While traveling I enjoy staying occupied with a craft project to keep me calm. My job is high energy when traveling, and when I am not "on", I like to "turn off" by crocheting in my hotel room. I look forward to spending my evenings with good friends I've met on the road in the past, and spending my late nights crocheting, and watching cable- a luxury I do not allow myself at home.

I have been searching for three things: patience, energy, and time. These things do not come easy for me. I crochet because it centers my mind. Crafting helps me "build mastery"; an activity that builds confidence. It is extremely gratifying to start with a ball of sheep's wool and spin it into my own yarn in the thickness of my choice. Then, I can crochet a bit of wearable art with it. From start to finish, it was created with my own two hands. I relish the moment where I can put on a piece of finished work. Today was a challenge in terms of finding patience. I had time, and a bit of energy, but patience was lacking. On days like this I can not be home. I have to pack a bag of yarn and coffee shop hop until I feel satisfied.

My recent work combines my own handspun yarn, and store-bought yarn. I enjoy dropping in a stripe of my handspun yarn into a scarf or cowl, or embellishing an entirely handspun piece with some luxury store-bought yarn. I am drawn to magenta, turquoise, olive green, gray, and robins egg blue. I need to get out of this box, and work in a honey hue or red. 
The handspun stripe in the cowl pictured left is made from Merino wool, angelina fiber, bamboo, and Tussah silk.

Each piece I make is embellished with a little silver oval tag. I hand stamp each oval with AOB for Arsenal of Buttons. The "O" in AOB is a little bird stamp. I am excited about the new tags; they are a nice finishing touch and makes each piece feel complete.

My goal for this fall is to have a nice inventory by late November so I can be ready for the holidays and fill up my store. It will feel wonderful to have a full shop again. But for now, I will stay busy crocheting, and take advantage of the evenings on the road. One more week until I leave- wish me luck!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I can hear the church bells of the St. Paul Cathedral today from my office. The windows are open, the sun is shining, and the bell chimes are the same tune as my grandma Pauline's old grandfather clock. I've been thinking about her today.

I am all wrapped up in my spinning. It has left little room for jewelry making, or even crocheting to build a new inventory for this fall. I feel like I want to make sure each skein of freshly spun yarn is perfect and acceptable for purchase. I am my own worst critic.

My most recent work has been playing with plying; making supercoils and spinning shredded fabric. I'm having a blast, but I know it's time to buckle down and start either selling the yarn, or using it myself to create new cozy-wear for this fall. I am also anxious to fill up my Etsy store. I have many goals for this fall.
The supercoil yarn is time consuming to create, but incredibly satisfying to spin. It's slow, dedious, but delicious. My first supercoil yarn (pictured left) is a blend of merino, tussah silk, tencel, angelina fibers, and of course, lots of sparkle. I love the rich acid green, the mossy tones and deep browns. I combined earth tones with water and sky as well. There are soft baby blues, teal, turquoise, and cream.

Now I just need to figure out what to make with it...

If anyone has any ideas, or feels that they can't live without this yarn, visit:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nearly a year later...

and it's time to post again. It's time to make this a priority, and move forward.

News: I still enjoy making jewelry, but my new obsession is spinning yarn. It brings me peace, joy, and has cultivated new friendships.

Here is a preview of what's to come:

I love the process of carding the wool by hand, adding bits of various fibers and sparkle, and trying new techniques on the wheel, like making cocoons and plying.

My goal is to post more often; discussing my process and ideas. I feel it's time to push myself and get on with it! Something has been holding me back, and I am ready to move forward. One skein of yarn at a time.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Autumn Motivation

I have been busy working on a new line of jewelry, called the Jade Series, inspired by the wonderful rubbery little plants that my grandmother has at her house. They are so nostalgic for me, and have recently been so inspiring.

Please visit my Facebook fan page for Arsenal of Buttons:

Here you will find the most recent photos of my work, photos of works in progress in my photo album titled "Process", and get updates on what I'm up to in my studio.

I need to make sure I have time to sit in my studio and crank out some work for the upcoming College of Visual Arts Holiday Sale, which runs from December 4 to the 6th this year. I am so excited for it, but will be out of town for work in September and a little of October, and I will need to make time to get things done before I'm gone! I am looking forward to this years sale because I will have more work than ever, and better work. I want to have pieces from the Jade Series, and I want to include new oxidized fine silver and gemstone jewelry, and make more simple small things to appeal to a broader audience.

I have a lot to do! Stay posted on my facebook fan page. Thanks for your support!